The Isle of Dread (2018)

The Isle of Dread (2018)

THE ISi.i er BBE!I Full credits for the original editions of The Isle of Dread can be found in their respective sections of this book, where thry are scanned verbatim from priorprintings. The credits thatfollow are for the 5E portion of this work.

Original Writers SE Conversion D esign and Writing SE Edition Editing and Additional Support Additional Writing

SE Edition Playtesters Cover Design Cover Art Interior Layout Interior Art Direction Interior Art Cartography Scans and Restoration Publisher

David "Zeb'' Cook, Tom Moldvay Chris Doyle Tim Wadzinski David "Zeb" Cook, Michael Curtis, Paul Reiche III, Lawrence Schick, Harley Stroh Alec Doyle, Lisa Doyle, Devin McCullen Lester B. Portly Jeff Dee (front), Bill Willingham (back) Jamie Wallis Jeremy Mohler Ger Curci, William McAusland, Erol Otus, Chris Yarbrough William McAusland Steve Crompton Joseph Goodman

This volume is produced under permission from Wizards of the Coast. Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. Goodman Games and the Goodman Games logos are trademarks of Goodman Games. Contents ©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Wizards of the Coast, D&D, their respective logos, and all adventure rides are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries, and are used with permission.

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1: INTRODUCTION .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . 5


3: OVERVIEW OF THE ISLE . . . . . . . . . 92

4: WANDERING DREAD .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. 104

5: THE ISLE OF DREAD . .. . . .. . 120

6: MORE DREAD .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. 143

7: THE CENTRAL PLATEAU . . . . . 160

8: TABOO ISLAND . . . . . . . . . .. . . 171

9: BELOW TABOO ISLAND . .. . . . 183


APPENDIX A: FURTHER ADVENTURES ON THE ISLE OF DREAD . 207 APPENDIX B: NEW MONSTERS . .. . . . . . . . 212 APPENDIX C: NEW ITEMS & MAGIC . . . . . . . . . . 263 APPENDIX D: CHARACTERS . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 268 APPENDIX

E: PLAYER HANDOUTS . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . 287

APPENDIX F: MAPS . . . . . 296




How I Designed a Classic Adventur e . Without Meaning To by David "Zeb" Cook t's been 37 rears since I first saw the lsJe of Dread. Of course, it wasn't a reaJ place-no island on the horizon, or e''en a reaJ printed module you could hold in your hand. l\Iy first vision of it was a place that didn't even exist yet. It was a few scribbles on notepaper and many office discussions with fellow designer Tom Moldvay. Although it was an island cloaked in mystery, it was the mystery of necessity.

\V/e didn't set out to create a classic. I'm not sure you can ever imentionally do that, and for Tom and me, that thought didn't e''en cross our minds. \'('c were focused on the mundane business of filling up a box. The Basic Ser had an adventure therefore we needed one in the Expert Set. !\Core importantly we needed an ad,·enture that could teach novice DMs how to create and run a wilderness game. Something self-contained (an island) with lots to explore (hexes!) filled with random encounters (tables!) and a simple storyline that could work with almost any campaign (dinosaurs and lose worlds!). Plus, we needed co write it fast. So we spent a several months with our heads down writing what was meant co be a solid example of how to create, populate, and run a w~derncss setting. With rwo writers and little time for playtesting or revision, we drew on what we knew. Our shared love of pulpy lost world stories gave us both a common theme to write about. It ·wasn't even clichc since no one had created such an unashamed lost world module before. Tom's desire to get dinosaurs into the rules somehow filled out the wilderness with new monsters and challenges. l\Iy fondness for anciem cults and bizarre foes added the final threat at the center of the island. ln hindsight the design should never have worked, what with two hands and brains creating one adventure at their typewriters at the same time. Since we were still creating our jobs while we were doing them, nobody rold us you shouldn't design an advenrure that way, so '"'e did. ,\nd we got it done in time. \Y/e were happr. It was complete and ir played fun even if the story was not profound. There were no deeply detailed l PCs, complex plots, or earth-shaking foes. There was a map, a boat, and a lot of jungle filled with

monsters to kill and treasure to find. i\Iost of all, we didn't know that we were sowing the seeds for the whole of Mystara. The island needed to be somewhere and we had to show DMs what a simple world setting looked like. Tom mined places and bits from his shared campaign and we forged that into the proto-Known World. There was a thought that we might place future adventures into the map, but never a great plan to create a complete campaign setting that Mystara became. We didn't even know how to create campaign settings at the time. So despite all these accidents, a classic it has become. It didn't hurt that it appeared in every Expert Set box and chat it was the first wilderness adventure many players experienced. And because so many saw it, read it, or played it, The J.rle ef Dread became a touchstone for players. Ask a group of players, ''\V/hat happened t0 you on the Isle of Dread?" and there was a good chance someone would have a story to tell. The stories might be heroic, comic, or even sometimes tragic, but if you had adventured there, you had the same stories from your days on the Isle of Dread. So here's to Rory Barbarosa with his big tales and suspect maps. Here's to all the brave player characters who went to sea in search of adventure, and all the D Ms who shouldered through the encounter tables to provide it. Raise a glass for the friendly Tanaroa and the sinister kopru. Most of all, here then is to the Isle of Dread. May it always be out there somewhere!

Agai11sl the odds, Dal'id "Zeb" Cook has been a professio11al gall/e designerfor 39J'ears-a11d hopes lo make that 40 or more. In 1979 he joined TSR in its heydqJ1 a11d i11 1994, he successfulfy lllOved over lo videogames development, IJ'here he has been ever since. I le has created ll'orks for TSR, Coptic Studios, Black Isle, I111pressions1 a11d, mrrentfy, Zeni1llax Onli11e. T!is creatiom i11cl11de Oriental Adventures, AD&D 211d Editio11, Planescape, the I11dia11a ]011es a11d Co11a11 RPGs, the Ci!J• ef Villains MJ\10, Elder Scrolls 011li11e, and t111111ero11s ad1wl11re s11pple111e11ts and 111od11les, like the one)'01t're holding right 11om He also has a 1vife, two cats, and an obsession for l)Ji11iat11res 1varga111i11g.

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[ZjRope Bridge ~Ravine l1t]Ridge


Outrigger Tree Garden

Fire Beach Lake Stockade



Cutting Trees. If the characters try to cut down a tree , one

as one group sharing food and work. Each family has Its own possessions - canoes, nets, tools, and lodges. These people are not warlike, but if attacked they will defend themselves to the best o f their ability. If the characters do not attack the village, they will be met by a band of men from the village armed with spears. At first, spears will be thrown to fall short of the party. The villagers will then try to frighten the party away by shouting and gesturing. If the party remains non-hostile and friendly, the villagers will welcome the party and lead them into the village.

treant will arrive in the first tum of activity. The treant will try to avoid being noticed, but will cause the tree being cut down to move away at 30' per tum. Each tum thereafter, one treant will arrive. The treants will do whatever they can to drive the party from the forest while avoiding combat as long as possible.

Starting a Fire. If a small campfire is lit, the forest will gradual· ly recede from the camp, leaving a clearing 50' in diameter. Three treants will be in position around the camp, controlling the trees. They will do nothing if the party uses dead branches and brush for the fire. II the party collects living branches or wood, each treant will send 2 trees through the camp late at night. The characters will not be attacked unless they try to destroy the trees. but the trees will try to take or destroy as much gear as possible on one pass. If a fire-based spell Is used, the treants will attack the caster.

In the village, the party will be introduced to Fano, the "talking chief" and village leader; Umlat, the tribal cleric (both described later); and the ''chief', a small stone carving of an old man that is kept in the council lodge on the lake. The p arty learns that all major decisions come from this "chief", while the "talking chief" (Fano) acts as a messenger and the interpreter of the "chief's" wishes. After this meeting (a solemn affair) there will be feasting on baked fish, fruits, yam paste, turtle soup, roasted birds, and fermented yam beer. This feast will be held on the beach, and great smoking fires will be lit to drive away insects. Lodging will be provided by several families. The natives will insist that at least one character sleep in each lodge. The natives will freely give anything a character asks for, but will expect the same in the future (the OM should use this tribal custom at least once during the adventure).

Summary: Searching for Treants Party Is: Not Searching Searching for Creatures Searching for Treants

Chance to Discover Treants 1 in20 1In6 3in 6

3. CLIFF WAU.. The cliffs surrounding the central volcanic lake form a high, imposing wall of upthrust rock . Often shrouded in low clouds, the tops appear jagged, and in some places snow· covered. There are no clear trails over the cliff wall, but it appears that the wall can be scaled in many places. Even char· acters without climbing skill may attempt the climb, as there are obvious handholds and routes up the rock face. For all characters except thieves, the base chance of falling is 50%. This may be reduced 10% If a thief is with the party (to give guidance), by 10% if the character's Dexterity is 15 or greater, and by 20% if the characters are roped together (the DM may further adjust the chance of falling depending on other party actions). It will take 12 hours of climbing time to reach the top of the cliffs. During this time , normal encounters are still rolled for, but only the following apply: pteranodons (#4). pterodactyls ("'5), and tremors ("'12).

The characters may remain for as long as they wish, but after a short period of time they will be asked to help the natives by de· stroying a threat to the village. Fano and Umlat will carefully describe the attacks of a group of renegade tribesmen, now headhunters, who have been preying on lone villagers. These renegades have settled in a great ruined temple on the western side of an island in the center of the lake. Th e villagers cannot do anything to their enemy because the renegades are stronger and because the island is taboo . Although the villagers will aid the party by providing canoes and what equipment they can, they will not set foot on the island.

Fano, the "talking chief' (AC 9, F4, hp 26, #AT 1, D 1-6 or by weapon type, MV 120' (40'), ML 8, ALL). Fano is an elderly man , badly scarred and crippled in the left arm. His infirmity, his responsibilities to the tribe, and his superstitious fear of the island will prevent him from joining the party on the raid . His good will is important, however, as his opinion of the characters will decide the treatment the villagers give the party. Fano is good-natured. but proud of his position. He will not tolerate mockery of it or of the "chief" of the vii· lage.

At the top. the rocks are covered with ice and snow, and the temperature is below freezing. No encounters will occur here, but characters who attempt to stay here overnight without warm clothing will suffer 2-12 points of damage from exposure. II the party has brought firewood, they can start a fire to keep warm, but there is none to be found here.

Umlat, the tribal cleric (AC 9, C 6 , hp 22. #AT 1, D 1-6 or by weapon type, MV 120' (40'), ML 8, AL L). Umlat is a pious man, devoted to his deity (Oloron, Lord of the Skies) but it seems that he has been both blessed and

As the party descends into the volcanic crater (an 8 hour climb) the temperature will become warm and near tropical. Jungle vegetation covers the lower slopes, but the valley is sparsely populated with animal life. No normal encounters of im· portance will occur, but on a roll of 12 on 2d6, a minor tremor will shake the ground.

cursed. He Is an extremely aged man, living many years beyond the normal lifespan of others in the tribe. The villagers ascribe this to the favor of his deity. However, he is frail and weak, and this greatly limits his activities. The villagers speculate that this weakness is due to some past failing. Because of his condition, Umlat cannot travel on adventures, or actively assist the party. However. he will make his spells available to aid the party in their task. The spells he normally uses are:

4 . VILLAGE OF MANTRU (Map E-8). This small village lies on the shore of the large crater lake. Its landward side is sur· rounded by a crude palisade of palm trunks and branches that extends into the water on both sides of the village. Part of this wall has been expanded to form two fish pens for keeping any extra fish from the daily catch. The village itself consists of six palm-thatched lodges that are raised about 2' off the ground on stilts. Further out in the lake are two more lodges, kept 3' above the water on stilted platforms. The small one (20' x 40') belongs to Umlat, the tribal cleric, an aged man. The larger building (30' x 50') is the main council lodge.

First Level: cure light wounds, purify food and water Second Level: bless, snake charm Third Level: cure disease Um lat will pray for other spells. given one day's notice.

5. TABOO ISLAND. The details of the TABOO ISLAND are

The village has 50 inhabitants who live by fishing and farming small gardens. They are divided into five large families who live

given in PART 4. 22



In this chamber are 10 men and 12 women, the renegade tribesmen (AC 9, Fl or NM, hp 5, #AT 1, D 1-6 or by weapon, MV 120' (40'), ML 9, AL C), with 8 children. The men and women will fight while the children attempt to escape up the rope to the surface. Also, the men in areas 3A and 3C will rein· force the natives here In two melee rounds. Should the morale of the adults fail, those fighting will attempt to charge towards the exit to area 1.

This island was once the center of the kingdom of the Kopru, until native rebellion destroyed their power (the players should not be told who or what the Kopru were; this is part of the taboo - for more details. see page 20). The rocky island is now dotted with small ruins. statues, and broken terraces. The largest ruin on the island Is a temple that is carved into the cliff wall of the island's western shore. It can be most easily entered from the lake side, as its broad steps descend to the waters of the lake. This is where the players will begin the final stage of the adventure. The lair of the headhunters Is on the first level of the temple complex (Map E-9).

3A. The unmarried men of the Uibe sleep in these rooms. Each room is hung with ornaments and headdresses of bones, feathers and fish scales. Short bows and spears lean against the walls. Mats, gourd pots of paints, and carved obsidian bowls filled with mud and ash are arranged in a circle around a small, smouldering lire. The ceiling is heavily stained with soot and the air reeks of grease, smoke, sweat, and fish. In each room seven young men armed with spears and bows and wearing primitive leather armor (AC 7, Fl, hp 6 each, #AT 1, D 1-6 or by weapon type, MV 120' (40'), ML 9, AL C) are telling boast· ful stories to one another. Their arrows are coated with a gum· my vegetable poison, which will cause 1·6 points extra damage and violent sickness and fever for 2-20 hours. A successful sav· ing throw vs. Polson will negate the sickness and the additional damage.

The entire dungeon Is damp and foul·smelling. The air is hot and stale. Small blind creatures will constantly scatter before characters, flitting here and there. KEY TO THE FIRST LEVEL (Map E-9)

1. TEMPLE ENTRANCE. The entrance to the temple has been carved into the side of a rocky cliff. Two primitive docks of narrow poles and weak planking extend from the temple steps; several canoes are moored there. Two steps lead to a landing lined with pillars. The landing and pillars are made of red marble. Set on poles thrust Into cracks In the floor of the land· ing are many shrunken heads, jawbones, feathered totems, and other primitive tribal symbols.

3B. This room is reserved for unmarried girls. It is decorated like 3A, except that the weapons here are daggers of bone and metal. There are also many tools - scrapers, needles, mallets, etc. There are 5 girls here. They are hairstyling, tatooing. filing their teeth, and otherwise "improving" their looks. These girls (hp 3 each) will not attack, but will try to flee if possible.

Three short flights of steps lead up to a second landing 5' above the first. To either side of the center steps is a stone foot and ankle, the remains of a huge statue that once straddled the stairs. The end stairways are each flanked by another red marble pillar. At the back of the second landing ls an opening leading back into the cliff. The opening is flanked by another pair of pillars. Carved out of the angled back walls of the landing are two bas·reliefs of humans holding lighted braziers.

3B. This large room Is the tribal chiers quarters. Jn this room are the following natives: The Chief (AC 5, F7, hp 44. "'AT 1, D 1-8 + 2, MV 120' (40'), ML 10, AL C) with a sword + 2 and bone armor and shield.

2. GUARD POST. The tribesmen have carefully narrowed the passage with mounds of rubble at this point so that only one character can pass through at a time. Waiting on the other side of the opening are 31st level fighters (AC 7, Fl. hp 7 each, MV 120' (40'). II AT 1. D 1-6 or by weapon type. ML 8, AL C) and a 5th level fighter wearing bone armor and carrying a shield and epear + 1 (AC 5, F5, hp 32, MV 120' (40'), NAT 1, D 1-6 + 1. ML 9, AL C). Able to observe intruders as they move down the hall, these guards will attempt to slay their opponents one at a time. If attacked with a fire ball, lightning bolt, or similar spell, these guards will gain + 1 on their saving throws, as they are well protected by cover. Should the morale of these guards fail, they will retreat to area 3 , the main chamber.

His 3 sons (AC 7, F3, hp 16, 20. 17, NAT 1, D 1-6, MV 120' (40') , ML 9, AL C) with spears and leather armor. The Witchdoctor (AC 6. CS. hp 21. "AT 1, D 1-6, MV 120' (40'), ML 9, AL C) with a bone club and bone armor. He can cast the following spells: Firs t Level: cause light wounds (x2) Second Level: h old person, snake charm 5 women (AC 9. hp 3, MV 120' (40'), AL C) who will not fight.

3 . MAIN CHAMBER. This large hall was once the main worship area of the temple, but is now being used as the central living area of the tribe. The floor Is covered with mats, bowls, and eat· Ing utensils made of bone. There is a blazing fire in the center of the chamber. The hall itself Is two stories high with balconies on three sides (the dashed lines on the map). There is a rectangu· Jar hole (20' x 30') In the center of the ceiling that is open to the sky. To prevent debris and small creatures (such as bats) from entering, a net has been fastened across this opening. This net will not prevent characters from entering through here, nor will it support a character's weight. A rope hangs from one corner of the opening to the floor.

The room Is cluttered with pots, gourds. a rack of skulls, necklaces of bones. and many skins and furs of animals. Hidden in one of the skulls on the rack are 5 gems (1000 gp, 500 gp, 800 gp. 1200 gp, 50 gp). In a wax -sealed gourd is a potion of flying. Hanging on the walls are 6 furs worth 100 gp each.

In the center of the wall opposite the entrance is a carved face that fills the area from the floor to the ceiling. It looks like a human or humanoid creature with its mouth agape. The carv· Ing has been cut and defaced, making the kind of creature it was difficult to Identify. The other doors are all located on the balcony level.

4. SECRET VIEWING C HAMBER. The secret door, unknown to the natives, leads to a small chamber near the main entrance. The hallway Is extremely dusty and apparently unused. Jn the chamber, moldering rags and unidentifiable lumps dot the floor, presenting a variety of vivid colors to the eye. Along the south wall of the chamber are several large stone levers and a

The chief, his sons, and the witchdoctor will come to the aid of the families in area 3 should the alarm be raised. They will also investigate any unusual noises from the area. Should their morale fail, they will retreat to this room and make a stand.



corroded bronze tube. Hanging from small holes in the ceiling are three rotted ends of rope. These ropes and levers once operated mechanisms within the now-ruined statue that stood over the temple's entrance. The metal tube was used as a megaphone for the "god's" voice. The slanted section of the wall has a small niche carved in the back of the statue (B ) in the northeast wall of area 1. A person can stand in this niche and observe the landing (area 1 ) through two small spy holes. How· ever, the walls of the niche are lined with a brownish mold (actually, yellow mold: AC special, HD 2, hp 8, MV 0'. #AT Special. D 1-6 plus spores, Save F l , ML Special, AL N). The mold is filmed with damp dust so its true color is not easily seen.

All who look at this statue must make a saving throw vs. Spells. Failure means the character becomes a secret servant of the Kopru (see description) until the power of the statuette is de· stroyed. This happens when the statuette is blessed by a Law· ful cleric or physically destroyed. The corridor beyond this room is blocked by fallen rock and is impassible (the DM can have this lead to additional areas of his or her own design, if desired) .


5. PRIESTS QUARTERS. This secret chamber was where "the gods" watched the services held in their honor. The chamber is bare o f furniture and has a heavy layer of dust and fine sand on the floor. The dust covers a trap door in the northeast corner, so it is unlikely to be noticed (a 1 in 6 chance). The trap door is weak and will break when stepped on, dropping the character into room 3 on the second level. The character will take 1-6 points of damage. In the northwest corner are stairs up to a narrow platform (A) above the corridor behind the eyes of the carved face looking into area 3 on the first level. Two small holes allow a character standing on the platform to view the main chamber. Between the two spy holes is a large wooden piston and handle. If given a strong hard pull. this piston will spray a 20' diameter cloud of inflammable dust through the nose of the face into the main chamber. Any open flames in this area will cause a fiery explosion for 4d6 of damage (a successful saving throw vs. Dragon's Breath will reduce damage by half). There is a 50% chance that any explosion in the main hall will cause a similar explosion on the platform where the piston is, resulting in 2d6 points of damage to anyone there.

Special note: Part of this level is underwater to the depth of 5'. The DM should keep track of which areas are flooded and how deep the water is; periodically reminding the players (via description) of this special condition. Careful attention should be paid to normal light sources. as these can easily be extinguished or made useless if gotten wet. 1. WATER-FILLED CHAMBER. Formerly a torture chamber. this room has flooded with water to a depth of 5'. Characters less than 4' tall and wearing metal armor must keep their heads above the water in some manner, or they will quickly drown. The ceiling above is reddish-black from an oxidizing rot, and the supporting beams are a lmost entirely rotted away. (Characters who enter from the hall may break and smash their way through the ceiling to room 5 on the first level.) Several small, harmless cave fish live in this room a nd the flooded corridors beyond. These will occasionally bump against the legs of the characters, feeling cold and slimy. T here a re several sharp metal, stone, and glass items hidden underwa ter. Unless the characters probe ahead with sword, spear, staff, or pole, each character has a 1 in 6 chance of stumbling and stepping on a sharp item every 10' travelled. Stepping on a n item will cause 1-2 points of damage.

6. BLOCKED-UP PASSAGE. The hallway ends in a crude wall of stones that completely closes the passage. This wall was built by the renegades to prevent creatures from the lower levels from entering their tribal home. So seldom has anything al· tempted to come through this wall, the natives no longer bother to guard it. If they have suitable tools. the characters can make an opening large enough for one character to get through in one hour.

The door leading out of this chamber is open, revealing a pas· sage that is also filled with waier to a depth of 5'. Along the passage are cells with Iron bars. The bars are badly corroded and may be broken by any character who rolls his or her Stre ngth or less on ld20. All the cells are empty.

7. WEAKENED FLOOR. Unused for many years, this section of the floor has been weakened from below. The stone and sup· porting beams have been rotted by water and slimes. The section marked by the T is sturdy enough to support one person crossing it at a time; 2 or more people will cause the section to break, dropping characters to the water-filled room below (Level 2, room 1). No damage will be taken by the characters.

2. CHAMBER OF THE GREAT ONE. The doors to this cham· ber are 15' above the level of the chamber floor. The chamber is filled with water to the level of the surrounding flooded passages. If the characters are not probing ahead, they will stumble on the stairs (or dais steps) and fall into the room, ta king no damage. Three albino Mako sharks (AC 4, HD 4, hp 26, 29, 19, #AT 1, D 2-12, MV 180' (60'), Save F2, ML 7, AL NJ live in this chamber. They are extremely hungry and will attack any character or creature who tries to swim across the chamber.

8. PRIVATE ALTAR. This altar room contains several items once used by the priests in the worship of their "gods". Across from the door is a square stone pedestal. Next to It are several bone rhythym sticks, 3 inlaid and bejeweled bowls (worth 500 gp each), a crumbling bamboo flute, and the remains of a feather fan .

2A. At this point on the dais, 5' below the water's surface, rests a giant oyster (AC 5 open, -2 closed. HD 10, hp 55, #AT 1, D 4 -24, MV 0. Save F5, ML none, AL N). The DM must decide when the party can see it. Between its open valves is a large black pearl (3000 gp).

On the pedestal is a small, intricately carved stone box with two hinged doors. Inside is an unusual statuette of gold and coral. It looks like an amphibious humanoid with a smooth head, large eyes, and a tentacled, sphinctered mouth. The torso is human like, with two arms that end in webbed, clawed hands. From the waist down, the body divides Into three long tentacles ending in fluke-like fins, each tipped with a single large claw. (This is a kopru: see the description at the end of the module.) The statuette is worth 2000 gp.

If the oyster is attacked from a distance, it will close its shell and not open for at least a turn. The pearl may be "picked" from the open oyster (non-thieves can be given a 5% worse chance than a 1st level thief, at the DM's option). Failure means the oyster closes, possibly trapping the unsuccessful character (roll a normal melee attack). The oyster will not open by itself while under attack. It can be pried open by several characters with a combined Strength of 50 + (a knock spell will also work). 24



3 . LAIR OF GUARDIANS. The floor of this room is covered with small puddles and the walls of this room are lined with statuary, some of graceful creatures, others of women with children and others of fierce monsters. All the statues are well fashioned, but have deteriorated due to age and moisture. The stone glistens a green-streaked red when struck by light. giving even the simplest and most innocent pieces an unwholesome look. At the point where the secret door is located is a larger puddle of water. In the center of the room's ceiling is an ob· vious trap door to an upper floor (Level l , room 5 ). This trap door is wooden and appears to be severely rotted.

morale of the rats fail, they will retreat into the tunnels and hide. The tunnels are dug out of dirt and are wide enough for a haJf. ling to crawl through. The large chamber at the end of several of the tunnels is the main lair of the giant rats. The rats will at· tempt to flee If invaded, but if cornered they will fight ferocious· ly to the death. In the lair are rags, some bones, a gnawed scroll (with a levitation spell on it), and three metal potion bottles (2 potions of healing and a contaminated potion, now a deadly

poison). 7. FIRE TRAP. This room had originally been trapped to fire a burst of flame from a hole near the north wall. Now the room is flooded with 5' of water, but the trap still operates - in a differ· ent manner. Across the center of the room is a wire set about ankle height (therefore hidden underwater). If it is broken or pulled, It will release a spray of fine oil into a 10' wide. 10' long area in front of the north door. This is special oil that will ignite on contact with water. As the oil bursts into flame, a mist of water will cover any character in the area, Igniting any remaining oil. The oil will burn for 6 rounds and will do 3 points of damage per round to characters in the fire. The oil may be wiped off.

Coiled around several of the statues are a total of 4 spitting cobras (AC 7, HD 1, hp 6. 4, 2, 2, #AT 1. D 1·3 plus special, MV (30'), Save Fl, ML 7, AL N). They are cold blooded and cannot be distinguished from the statue by infravision. Though they can be seen in normal light, the snakes will not attack u nless they are approached. At the base of a statue in the northeast corner is a 50 gp gem. There are 2 exits from this room: the passageway north to 8 and the secret door in the south wall. At the point on the map marked " A" is a hidden trigger that will drop the portcullis across the north entrance to this room when the first character steps on it. Ra ising the portcullis will require the efforts of sever· al characters (wlth a combined Strength of 50 +,for example). On the other side of the secret door, the hallway is flooded. The doors open inward and any characters near this door when it is opened will be swept off their feet, and 20-120' (2d6 x 10') down the hall towards the shaft in area 8. They will be knocked around considerably, taking 2-8 points of damage. Characters not standing near the secret door will be able to brace th emselves and remain on their feet. Should the secret door be opened from the other (hall) side, all characters in the water will be swept through the door as above.

The burning oil will make the air in the chamber smoky and hard to breathe, requiring characters to leave this room as quickly as possible. (The DM should try and cause the party to move quickly here, by any means preferred: a description of the rapidly dwindling air supply, a few points damage, saving throws vs. Death Ray for unconsciousness, etc.) The door screened by the flame may be opened by characters moving underwater on a roll of 1 on a six-sided die. When the door is opened, the water will rush out of the room, sweeping unpre· pared characters into the lowered portcullis beyond. This will cause 1·4 points of damage to the first character to strike. If the door to the flooded hall is opened, water will rush through the portcullis (and down the stairs) for 2 minutes (12 rounds) . The characters will be thrown against the portcullis and underwater, taking 1·2 points of damage each round until the characters take some action to keep their heads above the level of the water. On the east wall between the door and the portcullis is a lever which will raise the portcullis if pulled down. If characters raise the portcullis while the water is still flowing, they will be swept down the stairs to level three . This will cause 2-12 points of damage to all characters involved.

4. PIRANHA POOL. Just in front of this section of hallway is a short staircase that leads up to a platform just above the level of water. T he floor of the platform is damp and covered with pale fungus, cold and slimy to the touch . If the fungus is cleared a way a nd the floor examined by a dwarf, the dwarf will notice that the rock below must have been too hard to carve through, thus making this change in passage depth necessary. Beyond the platform, the steps lead back down into the flooded hall. This section contains 3 giant piranhas (AC 6, HD 3 + 3, hp 14, 18, 20, HAT I, D 1·8 bite, MV (50'), Save F2, ML 8, AL NJ who ha ve only fed on small lizards, rats, and snakes. They will attack a nything that enters the water.

5. PRIESTS CHAMBER. The door to this room is closed and, if examined, will look tightly sealed. It has kept the water out of the chamber. Should the door be opened without precautions, anyone in the water will be swept Into the room for 1·6 points of damage. In the chamber are severa l stone benches and a small altar stone. Hanging from a stone hook on the wall Is a bone-handle mace + 2 , while hidden in a secre t compartment on the right side of the altar are 500 gp and 2 coral statuettes worth 1000 gp each. This compartment will be hidden under· water if the room is flooded. There is nothing else in the chamber.

8. BOILING WELL. In the center of the hallway is a circular shaft of carved stone that descends out of sight. Sixty·five feet below the level of the floor, the shaft is filled with boiling water. The shaft forms a "U", trapping water at the bottom. The other end of the "U" opens into a ledge overlooking the great cavern on level three (location C). This water is heated by volcanic action. Characters may swim the distance, but unless they have some method to protect themselves from the boiling water, they will suffer 2·20 points of damage. The water in the well cannot be bailed out, as hot water constantly seeps in.

6. RAT LAIR. As characters move down this hallway, they will se e several large, rough holes in the walls just above water level. These holes are the tunnels of giant rats. who will swim out and attack the characters from both sides as they pass by. There are a total of 10 giant rats (AC 7, HD 1/z, hp 2, #AT 1, D 1·3 bite plus disease, MV (40'), swimming (20'). Save NM, ML 8, AL N). They are attracted by light and scent. Should the 25



C. BOILING WELL. This Is the topmost terrace of the level. Here is the hot spring that is connected to the U-shaped shaft to area *8 of level 2 . Characters may swim to the other side of the shaft and climb out, taking 2-20 points of damage unless protected from the heat. On the terrace beside the spring is a bag, almost unnoticeable under a crust of minerals, containing 5 emeralds worth 1000 gp each. The party will only find it if they search the terrace.

KEY TO THE THIRD LEVEL (Map E·ll) This is a single natural cavern of great size. The air Is hot, steamy, and foul with volcanic gases. The floor of the cavern is a field of bubbling mud pots, small geysers, hot springs, and mineral crusts. The colors are rich reds, browns, and yellows, combined with blacks and greys. Terraces crusted with deposits from mineral springs extend from the sides of the cavern at several points. Stalactites hang from the celling, and merge with stalagmites in several places to form pillars from the roof to the floor. The heat of the chamber will prevent the use of infra vision. Occasional flares of ruddy light, combined with great bursts of steam from the depths of some of the hot springs, will briefly illuminate small points in the room.

D. CAVERNS. This set of terraces leads to a series of natural caverns. These caverns are left unmapped so the DM can create his or her own special encounter areas. Many cave· dwelling creatures might live here, and there may be exits up to the plateau. E. WEAK CRUST. This section of trail is actually nothing but a weak crust over a hot spring. Unless the path ts probed first, the lead character will break the surface. The character will drop into the hot water. suffering 1-10 points of damage the first round and 1-8 points each round until rescued. The crust will be crumbling and dangerous around the edges and characters will not be able to come closer than 5' to the edge without also falling in. Ropes, poles, and rescue techniques like those used on thin ice may be used to save the character.

When the characters are moving about the floor of this cavern, there is a 1 in 6 chance per turn that one of the following events will happen (roll ld6): 1. mudpot bursts, spraying random party member with hot mud (1·3 points of damage) 2. geyser sprays random party member with hot steam (1-4 points of damage) 3. cloud of steam from hot springs covers 10' diameter area, blinding all within it for 1-4 rounds (randomly determine which member it centers upon) 4. boiling water splashes random party member (1 -3 points of damage) 5. gas bubble bursts near random party member: save vs. Poison or be nauseated for 1 round (no action may be taken) 6. small tremor shakes the cavern

F. THE HIDDEN THRONE. Set on the topmost terrace, direct· ly under a dripping stalactite, is a throne. On the throne sits a grinning skeleton. Mineral-rich waters, falling from the ceiling over many years, has encrusted the skeleton and throne, hid· ing all but the most general features. In front of the throne (and hard to see under the mineral crust) is a sword. On the skeleton's finger is a ring, similarly concealed. They are entirely ordinary in appearance. The ring is a ring of telekinesis and the sword is a sword + 2, charm person ability (non-intelli· gent).

A. THE MINERAL TERRACE. This terrace leads to the stairs to level 2. If characters have been washed down these stairs, they will be able to stop themselves here. The terrace is white with calcium deposits and hot enough to be painful, but not damaging. All terraces are somewhat slippery and there is a 1 in 10 chance of slipping if care is not taken. The characters will attack at .3 to hit and defend at -3 (3 AC worse) due to the wet, unsure footing and have a 10% chance per round of slip· ping. Characters who slip will lose at least one melee round while they stand, and may even slip off the terrace (at the DM's option) .

Further Adventures On The Isle of Dread Since this module gives a great deal of detail on the Isle of Dread. the DM may desire to use the locations and descriptions found herein after the main adventure has been played. To aid the DM in this, some suggestions for further adventures on the Isle of Dread are listed below. Each is accompanied by a short description of how the adventure might be handled.

8 . THE KOPRU. In the bubbling mud at each location is a con· cealed kopru (two total: AC 3, HD 8+4, hp 44, 49. #AT 2, D 1-4/3-18 or charm, MV 150' (50'), Save F9, ML 9, AL C). They are amphibious humanoids who dwell in the hot geyser pools.

1. Destroy the Zombie Master. This is a short adventure suit· able for use before the characters venture inland for the first time. The village of Tanaroa has been plagued recently by the attacks of undead creatures. The villagers are frightened and the tribal leader seems to be losing the authority necessary to maintain order. If questioned, the people will only speak in frightened terms of the Zombie-Master. At night zombies and ghouls will prowl the paths, killing lone travellers.

The kopru will use their special charm ability to capture mem· bers of the party, or perhaps lure them off the paths and into the geyser basins. Characters who fall into a geyser basin will take 1-8 points of damage each round from the boiling water. If the charm attempts fail, the kopru will either physically attack characters on the paths or hide in the hot mud, awaiting a chance to strike again. If the party is obviously stronger or is trapped on a terrace, the kopru will not pursue, but will wait in the bubbling mud. If the party is badly hurt or obviously weak, the kopru will attack both mentally and physically.

As seen on the map, each section of the village surrounds a graveyard. These graveyards are infested with tunnels and un· wholesome creatures, at the center of which is the Zombie· Master. The DM would have to prepare for this adventure by drawing and populating the tunnels under the graveyard.

2 . Map the Island. Information is always valuable. After having opened up new territory, a merchant prince or curious map maker might wish for more information about the Island. The party could be hired to make a careful survey of the i.sland, mapping the terrain and noting important features. This would be a dangerous and time consuming task.

The kopru will never surrender and will attempt to enslave as many characters as possible. Should the entire party be en· slaved, the kopru will attempt to use them to restore the kopru's ancient kingdom. (If this happens, the DM can either start thinking up ways the characters can serve the kopru, or retire the captured characters from the campaign, perhaps to be re-introduced later as NPCs. The DM and players should talk it over and come up with their own solution.)

3. The Dinosaur Hunt. A powerful and well-equipped party might find it quite worthwhile to try to kill several dinosaurs and

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Wandertns Hum an Part!i1 #2

carry all or part of their bodies back to the mainland. It is likely that the rare essences and parts of these beasts would bring a good price from wizards or collectors of the unusual. ClaH&Level fighter: 2

4 . Exterminate the Pirates. To provide secure trade with the mainland, it is first necessary to destroy the pirates. The adven· turers could be given the use of a ship by mainland merchants for the adventure The pirates described in the module would be used If the OM feels the pirates are not strong enough to challenge the party, the pirates may be increased in level or number, or given stronger defenses.

normal human: 0 normal human: 0 normal human: 0

5. Bring 'Em Back Alive. A tough challenge for strong charac· ters would be to c11pture some creature alive and take it back to the mainland. At the request of some wizard or king the party could attempt to capture one of the giant monsters, uncharmed or charmed. and bring it back. If this deed were done voluntarl· ly, the reward could be sizable - enough to make the effort worthwhile. Monsters suitable or challenging for this adventure would include a pterodactyl, tyrannosaurus rex, stegosaurus, or perhaps even a giant ape. Such an expedition would require careful planning: how to catch the monster, how to keep It quiet, how to move It overland, and how to get it across the ocea n. It would not be unusual for the princes or princesses of Glantri to want a live monster from the Isle of Dread.

Wandering Human Part. #3

Class & Level fighter: 3 cle ric: 2 magic-user: 1 thief: 2

6. Sunken Treasure . The characters could find a treasure map which gives a description of a shipwreck near the Isle of Dread. The information m the description should be enough for the characters to recognize the island (the wall, the dinosaurs and the unusual races), the general location where the ship might be found (for example, on the southwestern side, between the smoking mountains and the reeO , and a description of the ship's cargo. The sunken ship should, of course, be inhabited by a sea monster

normal human: 0 normal human: 0 normal human: 0 normal human· 0 normal human· 0

The OM should create NPC personalities as needed to populate the Isle of Dread. The main purpose of such NPCs is to help set up the background They are not meant to adventure with the party or openly attack 11. The following native leaders can be placed in any of the seven villages or used to inspire other NPCs created by the OM Note that the figures for number of attacks and damage. Armor Class, and hit points have already been adjusted for Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The war leaders are as· sumed to have shields and spears (armor will improve their AC). Three matriarchs and three war leaders are provided. Details for the leaders of the other vlllages and for the Zombie Masters are left to the OM.

Human encounters can either be natives or other adventurers with native guides and bearers. When these are encountered, the group can be set up by the OM, or created randomly o n the following tables. The number appearing Is 2-12.

Generally, the natives on the Isle of Dread are peaceful and fight only ii attacked. Most will have Armor Class 9, though some may have the equivalent of leather armor (AC 7) or special armor made out of hardened fish or animal bones (AC 5). Warriors will usually be armed with spears and short bows. Spells can be assigned or rolled randomly by the OM. Magic items can be assigned or rolled for as In the D&D Expert rules. Since setting up a human party can be lime-consuming, three typical parties are given below:

J'kal (AC 9, NM, hp 5, " AT 0, MV 120' (40'), ML 10. ALL: S8, 114, Wl4, 011. C8, Chl2). This aged and respected woman is a shrewd leader and a brilliant strategist. She has a medallion of ESP, 30'. Through her experience and clever use of this item, she usually takes the best course of action. Sanar (AC 9, T3, hp 8. "AT 1. D 1-4 or by weapon. Move 120' (40') , ML 10, AL C; S9. 114, W9. 012. ClO, Ch17). This schemer has one goal - to become leader of all the villages! She sees trade with the mainland as a tool to this end. Sanar will use any person any way she can as long as they can serve her ends She is ruthless and treacherous, but practical, and she respects those who bargain from strength.

Wandering Human Party # 1 Magic Items Class&Level fighter: 4 magic-user: 1 thief: I

Magic Items J!.e_ AC AL andS2ells Sex 14 2 c axe +1 male L purify food & female 10 2 water l female c s leep 9 N sword+ 1, +3 7 7 male versus dragons L none 4 9 male N none 1 9 male 9 c none male 2 male c none 9 2 L none 9 4 female

Sample Nat ive Leaders

Creating Human Encounters

Magic Items J!.e_ AC AL and Spells S ex N Plate mall + 1. 1 female 13 war hammer + 1 N detect magic, 8 9 female protection from evil, phantas· mal forces male N none 9 4 male L none 1 9 2 male c none 9

J!.e_ AC AL and Spells male male female

normal human: 0 male normal human: 0 female normal human: 0 female

none charm person potion of diminution none none none

Kuna (AC 9, NM, hp 3, "AT 0, MV 120' (40'). ML 6, AL N; Sl2, 16, W7, 012, Cl2, Chl5) This matriarch is neither very bright nor very brave. She will often act on a whim, but is never inten· tlonally cruel. Although Kuna is content to let her advisors make the decisions while she remains the figurehead, she will 27



occasionally use her Charisma to sway them. She is much loved.

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

Tribal War Leaders Bakora (AC 6, F5, hp 36, #AT 1 at + 2, D l ·6 + 2. MV 120' (40'). ML 10, AL N; Sl6, 18, WlO, 016. Cl7, Chll). Because of his skill with weapons, this warrior is highly respected by his village. Though he is not extremely intelligent, he does have good advisors. Bakora is strong-willed and somewhat superstitious.

0 7 60' (20') 1 tail 2·12

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

The body of an ankylosaurus is covered with thick bony armor and ends in a massive club-like tail. This dinosaur walks o n four legs and eats plants. It is 15' long, 4' tall and weighs 4.5 tons. An ankylosaurus is usually found in jungles and hills.

Kuro (AC 7. F4, hp 24, #AT 1 at +3, D 1-6+3. MV 120' (40'), ML 10, AL L; Sl7. 110, W9. 015. Cl6. Ch12). This mighty leader carries a family heirloom, a spear + 1. Though he is first a warrior, Kuro is also a kind and honest man. His fair and just treatment of his people and of captured enemies has earned him respect and fame throughout the seven villages.

Ara n ea Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Jn web: Attacks: Damage:

Masawa (AC 7, F4, hp 20, "'AT 1 at + 1, D 1·6+ 1, MV 120' (40'), ML 10, AL C; Sl5, 110, W8, 014, C13, Ch7). This ar· rogant warrior is feared by the people of his village, not only be· cause of the great war skills of which he boasts. but because of his cruelty to those who cross him. Masawa does not like strangers. He does not want trade with the mainland. but has been overruled by the village matriarch.

7 3·· 60' (20') 120' (40') 1 1·6 +poison

No. Appearing: 1-3 (1-6) Save As: Magic-user: 3 Morale: 7 Treasure Type: D Alignment: Chaotic

Aranea are an inteUigent giant spider race. They are as large as a small pony, and are greenish-brown in color. An aranea can be distinguished from other giant spiders by the massive odd-shaped lump on its back that houses its large brain. Aranea a re webspinners, and their bite is poisonous.

CREDITS Design: Tom Moldvay and David Cook

The front limbs of an aranea are divided into flexible digits. The aranea uses these to grasp prey and manipulate simple tools. Jn addition, the aranea can cast spells as a 3rd level magic·user (two 1st level and one 2nd level spell) and they spend much of their time in magic research.

Development: Paul Reiche Ill Editor: Jon Pickens Editing: Harold Johnson, Jon Pickens. Patrick L. Price. Edward G. Sollers. Steve Sullivan, David Cook

Aranea live in dense forests or jungles, spinning their web homes high in the trees. Part of the web will be roofed with bark, leaves, and vines held together with web. In the covered part of their lairs, the aranea keep their crude tools, magic research, and crude "furniture" of web, vines, bark, and wood. They are the traditional enemies of the phana ton, and will attack them on sight. They are friendly with bugbears and often hire them to guard the forest be· neath their lairs.

Art: Jeff Dee, David S. Laforce, Ero! Otus, David C. Sutherland lll, Bill Willingham Layout: Al Hammack Able Assistance: Lawrence Schick, Evan M. Robinson

PART 5: NEW MONSTERS The monsters in this section are special additions for the Isle of Dread. Of course. the DM may use them elsewhere and may alter their statistics if desired. Any of these monsters could have giant· sized variations with more hit dice, better Armor Class, and the ability to cause more damage. Special monsters can also be designed for a specific party by assigning hit points instead of rolling them. Leaders of a group will usually have high or maximum hit points. Additional prehistoric creatures may be found in the D~ Expert rulebook.

Brontosaurus Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

Allosaurus Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

5 13 150' (50') 1 bite 4-24

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

5 26 60' (20') 1 bite/l tail 2-1 2/3-18

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

0 (1-3) Fighter: 13

A brontosaurus is one of the largest of all dinosaurs. It has a massive body with a small head, long neck, and a strong, tapering tail. The creature is 65' to 75' long and weighs more than 30 tons.

An allosaurus is a huge carnivorous dinosaur which runs upright on its large hind legs. It stands almost 15' tall, and weighs several tons. The allosaur's attack is to bite with its large jaws, which are filled with dagger-like teeth. Allosaurs hunt most often in lowland hills and plains.

A brontosaurus is so heavy that it needs to spend most of its time in water, so that the water helps support Its weight. If only its neck shows above water, the brontosaurus may be mistaken for a plesiosaur or sea serpent. This dinosaur eats plants, and can only be found in deep marshes or on the edge of swamps. 28

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While they do not truly hate all men, they view humans as nothing but brutes to be used, played with, and controlled. Their expansion has been severely limited by their need for very hot, wet environments (hot springs, tropical swamps. and so forth) and their civillza· lion has been in decline for many years.

Dlmetrodon Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

120' (40') 1 bite 2-16

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

In combat, a kopru will bite white coiling all three of its tails around a single victim in a powerful crushing attack. However, more dead· ly than the normal attacks of the kopru is its special charming power. Instead of attacking normally In a round, the kopru moy use this power on any one opponent within 30'. If the victim falls to make a saving throw vs. Death Ray, the character becomes totally obedient to the mental commands of the kopru. If the saving throw is successful, no similar attack from the same group of kopru will be effective.

A dimetrodon is a sail-backed, meat-eating dinosaur. The "sail" Is a comb of long bony spines con nected with a skin webbing. The di· metrodon is about 10' long and weighs nearly a ton. Dimetrodons hunt most often In hills and In the drier areas of swamps.

Elk (Giant) Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

6 8 120' (40') 1 butt 1-12

No Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

The special charm of the kopru is different from the charm person spell, in that the person wlll act normally (including the use of spells and magic items), but will be totally committed to the interests of the kopru. The kopru wlll know the thoughts and memories of the charmed character. A character may only be controlled by one kopru at a time, but there is no limit to the distance at which a character may be controlled. The charm can be broken by a dl.s pel magic or by the death of the controlling kopru. In ad· dition, the controlled character gets a new saving throw al the be· ginning of each game month If successfu~ the character breaks free of the charm.

Giant elk Inhabit hills and ploins. They are 10-1 2' long and weigh nearly a ton. Their antlers often span 10' or more. Giant elk eat shrubs and grasses. They are preyed upon by dire wolves and sabre-tooth tigers. Grangeri Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

5 13 120' (40') 1 bite or trample 2-12 or 3-18

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type:

Nil Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

Grangeri look like a cross between giant hornless rhinoceri and giraffes. Their long necks let them reach and eat leaves from the lops of trees. A grangeri is about 30' long and stands 20' tall.

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

0 (1 -6) Fighter: 6 7 NII Neutral

A megatherium is a giant ground sloth that eats leaves, roots, and shrubs. It stands 24' tall and can walk erect on its hind legs, though it usually walks on all fours. It Is slow, stupid. and peaceful unless provoked.

Kopru Armor Class: 3 Hit Dice: 8+4 Movement: 30' (10') Swimming: 150' (50') 1 bite/1 tail Attacks: or charm Damage: 1-4/3-18

6 11 90' (30') 2 claws 2-12/ 2-12

No. Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) Save As: Fighter:9 Morale: 9

Treasure Type: l+N Alignment:

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

The kopru are a race of heat-loving amphibians of great lntelll· gence and power. Their heads ore smooth with large eyes and a tentacled, sphinctered mouths. They have human-Uke torsos and two arms ending in webbed, clawed hands. From the waist down their bodies consist of three fluke-like tails, each ending in a sharp ripping claw. Kopru have a + 2 bonus on their saving throws against magical attacks.

9 11 120' (40') 1 1-6 or by weapon

No. Appearing: 0(3-30, village 30-300) Fighter: 1 Save As: 7 Morale: Treosure Type: A Any Alignment:

Natives are primitive people who live in jungles, wilderness, or on tropical islands. The warriors of the more warlike tribes (including cannibals) will all be 1st level fighters but the natives of peaceful tribes are mostly normal humans with fewer higher level leaders. Most natives wear no armor (AC 9), but some will wear the equivalent of leather armor (AC 7), and the tribal chiefs may wear speclal armor of hardened bone or lacquered wood that is the equlvalent of AC 5 or 6. Natlves may also carry shields. For every 20 natives, there will be an additional 2nd level fighter who acts as their leader. For every 40 natives, there will be an addi· tional 4th level fighter as war leader. For each village of at least 100, there will be a chieftain who Is a 6th level fighter and a 50% chance for a tribal shaman who will be a magic-user or cleric of at least 5th level. If 300 are encountered, there will be a "great chief' of at least 9th level with a bodyguard of 2-8 warriors of 4th level. 29



Armor Class: 6 Hit Dice: 16 Move: Swimming: 150' (50') Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 4-24

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

0 (1 -3) Fighter: 8 9 Nil Neutral

A plesiosaurus is a fish-eating, lake-dwelling dinosaur, usually about 30'-50' long. It has an extremely long neck and a large snake-like head filled with sharp teeth. This dinosaur has small flippers in place of legs to aid in swimming. It is aggressive and can overturn small boats and rafts. Rakasta

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Glide: Attacks: Damage:

7 1-1 90' (30') 150' (50') 1 1-6 or by weapon

No. Appearing: 0 (3-18, village 30-300) Save As: Fighter: 1 Morale: 7 Treasure Type: Nil Alignment: Lawful

6 2+1 90' (30') 2 claws/ 1 bite 1·4/1-4/ 1-4

No. Appearing: 0 (3-30 + 1-8 sabre-tooths) Save As: Fighter: 2 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: M (special) Alignment: Neutral

The rakasta are a race of nomadic, cat-like humanoids. They walk erect. much like humans, but are covered with soft, tawny fur and have feline heads and features. The rakasta fight with special metal "war claws" fitted over their natural claws (without these special "claws", the rakasta claw attacks do only 1-2 points each). The rakasta can use normal weapons such as swords. but generally disdain them, preferring to use their "natural" weapons (the war claws).

The Phanaton look like a cross between raccoons and monkeys. They are roughly halfling-size and have 4' long tails that can grasp objects, and even manipulate them clumsily. For example, when fighting in the trees, a phanaton will often wrap its tail around a branch for support. In addition, phanatons have membranes of skin stretching from arm to leg, that they can spread and glide from branch to branch. They have a + 2 bonus on all saving throws due to their small size and agili1y.

The rakasta often tame sabre-tooth tigers that they then ride to the hunt or into battle. The sabre-tooth tigers are controlled with knee pressure and heavy riding crops and are fitted with special saddles that do not hinder the fighting abilities of the sabre-tooth tigers. These saddles also allow the rakasta to leap off their mounts (up to 20') and attack the same round. The ''tame" sabre-tooths are too ferocious to be ridden by any non-rakasta.

Phanaton prefer to eat fruits and vegetables, though they may eat meat. They live in tree -top villages built on platforms of wood and woven vines connected by rope bridges. Each village of 30-300 will be a separate clan. They are the allies of treants and dryads. and are friendly with elves. Phanaton are the traditional enemies of aranea, the spider-folk, and will attack them on sight.

Rakasta settlements average 3-30 rakasta and 1-8 sabre-tooths, and are made up of many colorful tents or pavilions. Although they have type M treasure, the rakasta will have rugs and tapestries of fine workmanship, crafted bowls a nd drinking cups, and other bulky items of value instead of gems and jewels.

For every 30 phanaton, there will be a clan war chief who will have 3 hit dice and at least 15 hit points. He will also have a bodyguard of 2-12 phanaton warriors who fight as 2 hit dice monsters and have 7-10 (ld6 +4) hit points each. For every hundred phanaton, there will be a tribal subchief with 6 hit dice, 30 hit points, and a + 1 bonus to all damage rolls. The subchief will have 2-8 (2d4) body· guards with 3 hit dice and 15 hit points. If 300 phanaton are encountered, there will be a tribal king who has 8 hit dice, 50 hit points, and a + 2 bonus to all damage rolls. His bodyguards will be 4 phanaton warriors with 6 hit dice, 30 hit points. and a + 1 bonus to all damage rolls. Phororhacos ("Sword Beak")

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

6 3 150' (50') 1 bite 1·8

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

0 (l-8) Fighter: 2 8

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage:

A phororhacos. or Sword Beak, is a 6' tall flightless bird with small, useless wings and large hind legs. This bird eats meat and runs down its prey, often reaching great speed across flat ground. A phororhacos has a large curved beak that snaps at prey with the force of a sword.

5 14 120' (20') 1 tail 2-12

No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Alignment:

0 (1-6) Fighter: 7 6 Nil Neutral

A trachodon is a duck-billed dinosaur that stands 15'- 18' tall. This beast runs erect on its hind legs. This dinosaur only eats plants, but may be dangerous if enraged. 30



"When the gale fmally ended, we found ourselves approximately seven days normal sailing distance due south out of Specularum, in the Thanegioth Archipelago. We replenished our supplies, patched up the ship, and traded our remaining goods at native villages along the shores of several islands. Some villages were friendly, but others were hostile and the natives attacked on sight. I s uspect the hostile villages were filled with cannibals. "We skirted the coastlines of several islands, sailing south by west until we reached a small peninsula cut off from the main island by a massive stone wall. We were well received by the natives ofTanoroa, the small village that guards this wall. The villagers have no name for the large island other than the 'Isle of Dread'. Their own small peninsula is known simply as 'Home'. "The villagers told us a tale about an ancient city in the central highland of the isle that was built by the same people who built the wall. The villagers call the builders 'the gods', but I noticed that the names of the gods and the personal names of the clan ancestors were often the same, so I suspect that their ancestors and the builders were one and the same. I believe that the natives once possessed a much more advanced culture and that the descendants of the builders have returned to a more primitive state. "The inland city is rumored to be filled with treasure beyond imagining. In particular, I heard persistent tales concerning a great black pearl of 'the gods' that still remains in th e inland city. The island waters abound with excellent pearl beds, so the rumor of the black pearl may well be true. "The village contains a number of huge life-like statues of iron, bronze, and stone. Since no villager currently bas the skill or the craft to make such statues, the tale of a lost city built by the 'gods' seems reasonable. I would have liked to explore inland to verify the rumors, but too many crewmen died in the storm or by cannibal spears. Only five of us are left. I am the only professional adventurer, the others are only sailors. We can sail the small ship well enough but on land, in hostile territory, we would be helpless. Once back in Specularurn I should be able to recruit a new crew and a party of professional adventurers, then I will return to claim t he great black pearl. "One thing I managed to do before leaving: we sailed around the island and made the best map we could. We were afraid to land, since village fishermen had warned us that it was extremely dangerous to land anY'vhere on the main island and the coasts were rocky with no beaches. As a result, the map only shows the coastal areas we could chart from the ship, but it is better than nothing."